Welcome to the Capitol Preservation Board's Blog

This site will provide current up to date information about activities and events of the Board, its subcommittees and the office.

This site will replace the Executive Directors monthly report that has been published monthly.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 23rd, Capitol Preservation Board Meeting

The Capitol Preservation Board met on the 23rd of September in Committee room 250 at the Utah State Capitol to review budget and fee recommendation for FY2011 by the Executive Director David H. Hart, FAIA.

After calling the meeting to order and approving the minutes of the last board meeting Speaker Clark, who was acting as chair for the meeting, turn the time over to Mr. Hart.

The executive director presented both the FY2010 budget for background information as well as the FY2011 proposed budget. He highlighted the two main areas of concern and discussion. He explained that the board for FY2011 will receive money from two main sources of funds. These include General Fund, appropriated by the legislature, of approximately $3.2 million dollars and Dedicated Credits, which the CPB must earn, of approximately $600,000. The largest single expense for FY2011, he explained, is the cost of maintenance on Capitol Hill at the cut rate of $2.9 million dollars. He explained that the consequences of the lower rate will reduce staff from 7 to 4 FTE’s and it will not be feasible to maintain the capitol and the complex of building at that rate. Thus the Budget and Board Operation Subcommittee approved the executive director’s building block #1 of $445,700 to maintain the maintenance program.

The second building block, which he presented, is designed to reduce if not eliminate the ill will that has been developed over the past two years by the board charging for space on Capitol Hill. Mr. Hart suggested that while some spaces, like the rotunda, board room, and dinning room, it is appropriate to require a charge, other spaces, such as conference rooms and the auditorium, it is not reasonable. The charge on these spaces only serves to create anxiety and anger. He suggested that if one looks at the earning capacity of the spaces where a charge is appropriate it is possible to earn $60,000 of the $120,000 dedicated credits that the CPB must earn to make the budget target. The other $60,000 would then be provided by the legislature through the General Fund appropriation. This would allow the CPB to rewrite the facility use rule allowing the free use, as a public service, of some spaces on Capitol Hill during the legislative meetings.

The board asked many questions about both building blocks so that they could understand. Concerns were expressed that these are difficult time for all of state government and that asking for any kind of increase is going to be very difficult. Likewise, opposite feeling were voiced where they felt that it would be negligent to not support these requests since the State just spent $275 million redoing the Capitol Grounds and Buildings and to let them go unmaintained would not be right. At the end of the discussion the Speaker said that the executive director needs direction and a motion was made to approve both building block requests. The motion passed 5 votes to 4 votes.

The executive director will not meet with Legislative Management to see about getting the rate approved for the upcoming general session.

Speaker Clark next turn to Alan Bachman the Board’s legal council for discussion of the health amendment to the rule R131-13 Health Reform – Health Insurance Coverage in State Contracts - Implementation. Representative Dee, following Alan’s presentation, made a motion to approve the rule change. It passed 9 votes in favor and 0 opposed.
Meeting was adjourned.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Energy Services Companies (ESCO) on Capitol Hill

The executive director of the Capitol Preservation Board in consultation with DFCM’s John Harrington is interested in pursuing several ESCO projects on Capitol Hill. The focus will be on projects with a 7 year payback located mainly in the State Office Building however, all of the buildings on Capitol Hill will be investigated for possible projects.

For more information on ESCO projects on Capitol Hill click here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Preservation Planning and Maintenance Subcommittee Meeting Synopsis – Held on September 10, 2009

The Capitol Preservation Board’s Preservation Planning and Maintenance Subcommittee met on September 10, 2009 and reviewed the following:
· Maintenance Budget and Issues
· ESCO and the State Office Building Projects
· DUPM – Electrical and Exterior Stone Repair
· Capitol Restoration wrap-up
For information on this meeting please click here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Subcommittee Meeting of September 2, 2009 Synopsis

The subcommittee reviewed two budget preparation items during it meeting of September 2, 2009. For more information click here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Capitol Preservation Board's Budget Development and Board Operations Subcommittee will meet Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 3:00 PM in the Capitol Board Room at the Utah State Capitol.

The Subcommittee will review the Executive Directors Budget Proposal for 2011. This proposal will include both the office budget and the fee schedule for rental/use of capitol facilities.